Read the latest news from Poggi Avocats IT.

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Leading the AFCDP IA group
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Cybersecurity: find out more about the NIS 2 directive
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AI: initial setbacks, the IA Act and CNIL recommendations
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The Digital Market Act: towards specific consent for data sharing with major platforms?
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Presentation of the IA Act
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IP protection and data exploitation in the age of generative AI
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Cloud contracts: opinion of the French Competition Council and the Data Act
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Digital Service Act comes into force for 19 tech giants
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Software licences - beware of infringement proceedings!
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Teleworking and the law, questions to ask yourself
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Behavioural advertising: Meta penalised by the Irish authorities
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New obligations for suppliers of BtoC digital content or services
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CNIL fines Le Figaro 50,000 euros for non-compliance with cookie rules
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1.75 million CNIL fine imposed on AG2R La Mondiale
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Brexit & RGPD: data transfers to the UK authorised
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New standard contractual clauses to set up with your service providers
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Agora DSI/CIO Workshop 3 May at 5pm "How to make your contracts agile".
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"Towards the end of publishers' auditing practices? " 
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Cookies and other trackers: only a few days left to comply
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Workshop Agora DSI/CIO 10 March 17:00 to 18:00 "Understanding the metrics of SAAS contracts".
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Apple's iOS 14, a threat to the business models of advertising targeting solutions
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A proof agreement set aside on the grounds of a significant imbalance in the rights and obligations of the parties.
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Jurisdiction of the Paris Commercial Court confirmed in cases of disparagement and parasitism
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The CNIL sanctions the lack of proof of consent in commercial canvassing
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CNIL imposes record penalties on Google and Amazon for breaching cookie regulations
poggi avocats it cybersecurity news publishes its 2020 national survey
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CNIL imposes penalties totalling €3 million on the Carrefour group
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The French courts have jurisdiction over acts of counterfeiting and unfair and parasitic competition committed on the Internet.
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The Conseil d'Etat validates Alicem's facial recognition authentication system
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The importance of specifications in Agile projects
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Buying keywords for the publication of Ads: Google must check that the activity is lawful
TousAntiCovid" application and RGPD
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Health Data Hub: the Conseil d'Etat asks Microsoft for additional guarantees
COVID-19 and restaurant recall booklets: CNIL recommendations
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Invalidation of the Privacy Shield: the US Chamber of Commerce's response
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RGPD: H&M fined €35 million
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Tougher rules applicable to cookies and other tracers
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RGPD and company takeovers
POGGI Avocats IT - Speech at the Agora des DSI et CIO dinner-debate on 9 September 2020
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Privacy Shield invalidated
POGGI Avocats IT at the Matinale Benchmark BRAPI
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POGGI Avocats IT at the Matinale IT for Business
POGGI Avocats IT partner of the CIO Gala
Flash RGPD - CNIL vs Google
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POGGI Avocats IT at the IBA
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POGGI Avocats IT at the "J'innov - Security day" event
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POGGI Avocats IT launches ICW - In Compliance With
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Electronic signature - eIDAS Regulation
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POGGI Avocats IT joins forces with IT Social for an "RGPD self-diagnostic".
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POGGI Avocats IT - Speech at the Académie de Versailles seminar on digital technology
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POGGI Avocats IT - Speech at CATEL Paris 2017 - 6 October 2017
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POGGI Avocats IT - Speech at the Matinale #IT4BData on 9 June 2017
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POGGI Avocats IT - Speech at the #RiskIT Knowledge Dinner on 17 May 2017
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Website publisher liability
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Right to dereferencing: what are the requirements for the operation of a search engine?
POGGI Avocats IT - partner of the CIO Gala
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POGGI Avocats IT at the Académie de Versailles seminar on digital technology
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Audit of software publishers
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Law for a Digital Republic
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IT contracts - Preinstalled software
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Personal data
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Adoption of the Privacy Shield by the European Commission
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Personal data - USA - Stored Communications Act
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Personal data - Access by heirs of a deceased person
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The European Parliament adopts the regulation on the protection of personal data
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Réseaux sociaux - The clause in Facebook's Terms and Conditions imposing a Californian court is abusive
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E-commerce - The Paris TGI has jurisdiction over an Italian website targeting a French audience
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Personal data - Safe Harbor, the sequel: the G29's analysis of the CJEU decision
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Protecting databases
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Press law - Outsourcing the role of website moderator does not exempt the publication director from criminal liability
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E-commerce - Promotions without reference prices and unfair commercial practices
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Criteria for the application of national law & protection of personal data
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Contracts and IT project management
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Press law - The blog, a place for personal contributions
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Prime Minister presents national digital security strategy
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IBA - Annual Congress 2015
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Marketing and personal data
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The Court of Justice of the European Union opposes the interconnection of public administration files without prior information

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